The National Forest

Our parntnership to help transform the landscape on our doorstep

Ancient woodland

The National Forest stretches across 200 square miles of Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire, linking towns, villages and open land, blending new planting and other forest habitats with ancient woodland. We will be supporting their aspirations to create a larger, forested area in the heart of England, to show all the many benefits that come from woodland near where people live and work.

Working together to bring people closer to nature

We are inviting our guests to make a donation towards tree planting in The National Forest when booking their holiday. Bruce McKendrick, Forest Holidays Chief Executive said: “There is real synergy in our partnership as one of our values is to protect and enhance the forest today and tomorrow. By supporting The National Forest we are helping to transform the landscape on our doorstep. Our team here at Moira will also be actively involved in planting the trees. We are very excited about the partnership and look forward not only to raising donations for the charity but also to make a real difference within our local community.

Group taking part in Forest Bathing

Group taking part in Forest Bathing

Key achievements of The National Forest

  • 7,059 hectares of new forest created and over 8.5 million trees planted.
  • Forest cover has increased from 6 to 20% across the 200 square miles.
  • 7.8 million visitors annually, generating £373 million into the local economy.
  • 516,473 children have enjoyed environmental education sessions.
  • 292,000 people have taken part in forest related events.
  • Over 2,200 hectares of habitats important for wildlife have been created or brought back into management.
  • 60 miles of new hedgerows have been planted and over 150 new wildlife ponds have been created.
  • Over 45 new sport and recreation facilities and 102km of new cycle ways have been created