Forest Holidays

Celebrating gwanwyn at Garwnant

Forest News


We celebrated spring (gwanwyn) at Garwnant with an extra-special weekend in the forest –  and a little bit of Welsh hospitality. 

Guests and locals were invited to explore with our Forest Ranger in free taster sessions and meet local businesses and interest groups – from rambling to caving - who love the forest as much as we do. Showing off our amazing moths, wonderful wildlife and walking trails, visitors discovered everything the forest has to offer.

The fabled Welsh weather didn’t dampen spirits, as more than 80 guests took part in our Forest Ranger sessions over the weekend – meaning even more people got out into the forest and connected with nature.

Together with our event partner, Walking the Brecon Beacons, we’re on a mission to get more people discovering the natural wonder of Bannau Brycheiniog. Offering free walking trails all weekend, we were able to show guests the forest through local eyes – with all the myths and stories that comee with knowing the area like the back of your hand.

We’ve got more days planned, too! Our next family fun day will be on Monday 27 May 2024 - the perfect way to spend a Bank Holiday. Keep your eyes on our Garwnant Brecon Beacons page for updates.

Kids playing on a bouncy castle
Young kids exploring the forest
Football next to a goal
Children playing in the forest